Pasuria e politikes 620 MLN $ - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Zyrtaret e larte shqiptare zoterojne nje pasuri qe kap vleren e 620 milione dollarëve. Kjo shifer eshte bere publike nga kryeinspektori i deklarimit dhe kontrollit te pasurive Adriatik Llalla, i cili ne emisionin "Intervista" ka deklaruar se 350 nga 4700 zyrtare kane nje pasuri prej me shume se 300 milion dollaresh. Sipas tij, pjesa kryesore e pasurise eshte perqendruar tek deputetet e Kuvendit. Kryeinspektori ka pranuar se ka filluar hetimet per pasurine e deputetit socialist Eduard Shalsi, pas denoncimit te ministrit Sokol Olldashi per pronesine e nje pallati 9 katesh. Pjese e hetimeve te inspektoratit eshte bere edhe pasuria e gjyqtareve te Durrësit, te cilet liruan Ilir Xhakjan njeriun qe vrau kryekomisarin e Shijakut pak jave me pare. Kryeinspektori Adriatik Llalla sqaroi edhe ndryshimet e reja ligjore qe i japin mundesi inspektoratit te hetoje personat e trete si dhe shpenzimet e luksit te zyrtareve te larte.

Albanian high officials possess a property that captures the value of 620 million dollars. This figure is made ??public by the Chief Inspector of the declaration and audit of assets Adriatic Lala, who in the show "interview" has stated that 350 of the official 4700 have a fortune of more than 300 million dollars. According to him, the bulk of the wealth is concentrated to the deputies of the Assembly. Chief has admitted it is investigating for wealth Socialist MP Eduard Shalsi, following the report of the Minister Olldashi the ownership of a 9 storey palace. Part of the investigation of the inspectorate has become the property of the judges of Durres, which released Ilir Xhakjan man was killed kryekomisarin Shijak few weeks ago. Chief Adriatic Lala explained the new legal changes that enable the inspectorate to investigate third persons as well as luxury expenses of senior officials.

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