Berisha, akuza për zjarret - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Kryeministri Sali Berisha ka kërkuar serish masa me te ashpra për piromanet ndërsa ka pranuar se demet për shkak te zjarreve kane qene te mëdha me 1690 ha pyje te shkrumbuara. Duke theksuar se ne shumicën dërrmuese këto zjarre kane qene te qëllimshme, lideri i maxhorances ka shprehur rezerva për Prokurorinë por edhe për opozitën, e cila sipas tij, nuk duhet te përfitojë politikisht nga fatkeqësitë natyrore. Gjate mbledhjes se qeverise, Berisha ka njoftuar uljen e barrës financiare për bizneset ne lidhje me mirëmbajtjen e kasave fiskale. Fjala e kryeministrit ne mbledhjen e qeverise ka nxitur reagimin e rivalit te tij politik Edi Rames.

Prime Minister Sali Berisha has asked tough measures again piromanet while acknowledging that damages due to large fires have been filled with 1690 ha of forests incinerated. Noting that in the vast majority of these fires have been intentionally majority leader has expressed reservations about the prosecution but also the opposition, which according to him, should not benefit politically from natural disasters. During the meeting the government, Berisha has announced the reduction of the financial burden for businesses in relation to the maintenance of fiscal cases. Speech of the Prime Minister in meeting the government has promoted the reaction of his political rival Edi Rama.

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