Pas ngjarjes se rende ne fshatin Seman, ne Fier, ku humben jetën dy persona, banoret e kësaj zone ndihen te shokuar. Duke e konsideruar këtë krim te rende si te veçuar, ata tregojnë se ngjarja ka renduar atmosferën, pasi autori Gentian Nushi dhe ish-vjehrri i tij Dhimiter Koci përveç lidhjes se tyre prej krushqie, ishin dhe komshinj me njeri tjetrin. Por oficeri i policisë, ish-punonjës ne drejtorin e policisë qarku Fier, e vlerëson ne rritje krimin ne këtë qytet, duke e lidhur atë edhe me kthimin e emigranteve. Brenda dy ditëve ne Fier kane humbur jetën tre persona, te cilët janë vrare me arme zjarri. Njeri prej tyre, Shpetim Heqimi u ekzekutua me pistolete ne lagjen "Liri Gero" ne Fier ndërsa krimi i dyfishtë ndodhi te enjten ne Seman.
After the event that severe Seman village, in Fier, where two people lost their lives, the residents of this area feel shocked. Considering this serious crime as separate, they show that the event has gravely atmosphere, as the author Gentian Nushi and his former father-in-law Demetrio Koci except their connection by marriage, were neighbors to each other. But the police officer, a former employee in Fier district police director, considers the increasing crime in this city, connecting it with the return of emigrants. Within two days we Fier have killed three people, who were killed with firearms.One of them, rescue Heqimi was executed with the pistol in the neighborhood "Gero Freedom" in Fier and double crime happened Thursday at Seman.