AK per programin politik - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Aleanca Kuq e Zi krijon departamentin e kujdesit ndaj personave me aftësi të kufizuar. Sipas drejtuesve te kësaj force politike, kjo është shtresa e personave prioritare te AK-se, ndryshe nga çdo force politike. Kreytari Kreshnik Spahiu tha se mazhoranca e ka lëne ne harrese kete shtrese por forca qe ai drejton do ti kushtoje asaj vëmendje. Aleanca Kuq e Zi javët e fundit ka ndërmarrë disa takime dhe tryeza me grupe te ndryshme shoqërore, për tu njohur me problematikat e tyre dhe për ti bere ata pjese te programit politik.

Red and Black Alliance creates department care to persons with disabilities. According to leaders of this political force, it is the layer of AK-priority persons that, unlike any political force. Kreytari Kreshnik Spahiu said that the majority has forgotten this layer but the force he leads will pay her attention. Black Red Alliance of recent weeks has taken several meetings and roundtables with various social groups, to become acquainted with their problems and to make them part of the political program.

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