Miratohet Artan Zeneli - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Artan Zeneli është zgjedhur anëtar i gjykatës se larte. I bllokuar për rreth 6 muaj nga Parlamenti, pa ndonjë motiv te qarte, dekreti i ish-Presidentit Topi i cili kaloi ne Komisionin e Ligjeve ditën e fundit te mandatit te tij presidencial, u miratua me një vote te gjere ne Kuvend. Gjyqtari Zeneli mori 117 vota pro nga te dy kampet. Por ish-ministri demokrat i Drejtësisë Enkelejd Alibeaj dhe socialisti Erion Braçe nuk ishin pro kësaj kandidature. Ajo qe ra ne sy gjate votimit te hapur nominal qe drejtohej nga kryetarja e Kuvendit ishte mosmarrja pjese ne votim e vete Jozefina Topallit. Kryeparlamentarja nuk e lexoi fare emrin e saj gjate procesit te votimit. Por votimi pothuaj konsensual i një anëtari te Gjykatës se Larte u pasua menjëherë me një retorike te ashpër mes palëve për reformën ne drejtësi. Opozita këmbëngul se bashke me imunitetit duhet garantuar një ndryshim me i thelle ligjor, ndërsa për demokratet heqja e imunitetit është fundi i alibisë se te majtëve. Ne seancën e sotme u votua edhe ligji për Konferencën Gjyqësore, qe rregullon mënyrën e zgjedhjes se anëtarëve te KLD-se.

Artan Zeneli was elected member of the high court. I stalled for about 6 months by Parliament, without any clear motive, the decree of former President Topi who spent the Law Commission last day of his presidential mandate, was approved by a wide vote in the Assembly. Judge Zeneli received 117 votes from both camps. But former Justice Minister Enkelejd Alibeaj democrat and socialist Erion Brace were not pro this candidacy. It was dropped in the eyes open during the nominal voting was led by the Speaker of Parliament was failing to participate in the vote itself Josefina Topalli. Speaker did not read her name at all during the voting process. But almost a consensus vote of a member of the Supreme Court was followed immediately by a sharp rhetoric between the parties in justice reform. The opposition insists that with immunity must be granted a legal change with depth, while for Democrats the removal of immunity is the end of an alibi than the left. In today's session was voted the law on the Judicial Conference, which regulates the election of members of the HCJ.

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