Burg pa afat per Viktor Gushin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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"Vidhja për një jete me te mire." Kështu e ka perifrazuar odisenë e tij kriminale te katër viteve Viktor Gushi, ndërsa dëgjoi vendimin e Gjykatës se Tiranes qe caktoi masën e sigurisë arrest me burg. Gjate gjithë kohës 44-vjecari ka dëgjuar i qete dhe me shikim te përqendruar mbi prokuroren e ceshtjes ndërsa ajo lexonte akuzat qe rendonin mbi te mes te cilave edhe ekzekutimin e arkëtares Eleonora Kaloci pak dite me pare. Kur gjykatësja Fida Osmani e ka pyetur nëse kishte diçka për te deklaruar gushi e përmblodhi mbrojtjen e tij ne këto dy fjali: "Nuk jam nisur me qellim te keq për te kryer krime te renda, por me detyruan rrethanat dhe momenti. I qëndroj te gjitha deklaratave qe kam bere një dite me pare." Ne marrjen ne pyetje ai ka pohuar se studionte për dy muaj me radhe piken qe do grabiste duke llogaritur kohen qe i duhej për te kryer aktin pa mbërritur policia. Ne rastin e arkëtares kaloci 44-vjecari ka deklaruar se ajo nuk kishte pranuar ti mbushte qesen me para dhe ai e kishte qëlluar me friken se i kishin mbaruar tre minutat qe kishte llogaritur. Ndërsa ka shkëmbyer pak fjale me gazetaret qe prisnin ne sallën e gjyqit vendosjen e masës se sigurisë, Gushi ka pranuar i qete se kishte kohe qe priste ta arrestonin. "Ndiqja çdo dite lajmet te "Vizion Plus" dhe kur pashe publikimin e profilit qe kishte policia, po i prisja te vinin te me gjenin.

"Screw for a better life." Thus has paraphrased his odisenë criminal Victor Gushi four years, and heard the Tirana Court decision that set the security measure of arrest to prison. During all the time 44-year-old has heard the quiet and visually focused on the issue while the prosecutor read the charges that regret over the middle of which the execution of Eleonora arkëtares Kaloci few days ago. When Judge Fida Osman asked if he had anything to declare Gushi summed up his defense in these two sentences: "I'm not malicious started to carry out serious crimes, but circumstances forced and momentum. I stand all the statements that I made a day earlier. "We interrogation he said that studying for two months in a row by knocking off point that will calculate the time needed to perform the act without the police arrived. In the case of 44-year-old kaloci arkëtares stated that she had refused to fill the bag with money and he struck him with fears that they had finished three minutes she had calculated. While having exchanged a few words with reporters who waited in a courtroom setting security measure, Gushi has accepted the calm that had long waited to arrest him. "Follow the news every day" Vision Plus "and when I saw the publication of the profile that had the police, is expected to come find me.

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