Ngjarja me e madhe e vitit ne fushën e librit ka sjelle fenomene te reja dhe figura te njohura qe janë shndërruar brenda javës ne shkrimtaret me te shitur ne vend. Botues , publicistë e shkrimtare nga Tirana, Shkupi e Prishtina kane sjelle ne emisionin "Debat" risitë dhe problematikat e këtij panairi. Ardian Klosi ne emër te disa botuesve kritike ndaj organizimit te këtij panairi kane lajmëruar se do te zhvillojnë një tjetër panair ne 23 prill ne ditën e librit.
Përtej problemeve te organizimit Arlinda Dudaj dhe Henri Çili dy botuesit qe kane ekskluzivitetin e Edi Rames dhe Ben Blushit kane treguar shitjet rekord te librave te dy politikaneve. Por përveç figurave te njohura te jetës politike botuesit theksojnë se librat e tjerë janë shitur shume pak sepse kriza ekonomike ka ndikuar edhe tek fuqia blerëse e lexuesit. Akademiku nga Maqedonia Ali Aliu ka vërejtur me shqetësim se mes shqiptareve ka ende kufij edhe ne fushën e librit; kufij qe as ky panair nuk i ka hequr. Ndërkohe qe shkrimtari dhe botuesi kosovar Nazmi Rrahmani ka tërhequr vëmendjen për tendat serbe te vendosura ne hyrje te panairit duke theksuar se kosovaret janë ndier te fyer; tenda këto qe u hoqën mbrëmjen e se premtes. Panairi i librit si një ngjarje e madhe kulturore solli mjaft debate ne qarqet e botuesve por krijoi një mundësi te madhe për te gjithë lexuesit për te njohur libra te rinj e shkrimtare te preferuar
The biggest event in the field of book year has brought new phenomena and figures that have become popular within the week we sold more writers in the country. Publishers, publicists and writers from Tirana, Skopje and Pristina have brought the program "Debate" innovations and problems of this fair. Ardian Klosi on behalf of several publishers critical of the organization of this fair have announced that they will hold another fair on April 23 on the day of the book.
Beyond the problems of organization and Arlinda Dudaj Henry who two publishers who have exclusivity of Edi Rama and give good arguments have shown record sales of books two politicians. But apart from figures in political life known publishers say that other books have sold very few because the recession has impacted on the purchasing power of readers. Macedonian Academic Ali Ali has noted with concern that there are still boundaries between the Albanians in the area of the book, nor the fair limits that has not been removed. While Kosovo was the writer and publisher Nazmi Rahman has drawn attention to the Serbs tents placed in the entrance of the fair, stressing that the Kosovars have felt offended; tents that were removed following the Friday evening. The book fair as a great cultural event brought many debates in the counties of publishers but created a great opportunity for all readers to recognize the new books of favorite writers