Sheshi "Skenderbej" nuk do te jete me vetëm për këmbësoret, siç ishte parashikuar ne planin qe nisi te zbatonte administrata e ish-kryebashkiakut te majte Edi Rama, por do te rishikohet duke kthyer qarkullimin e automjeteve ne te.
Bashkia e Tiranes ka nisur punimet për hapjen dhe asfaltimin e disa rrugëve brenda sheshit, për makinat e këmbësoret. Prej disa muajsh, me nisjen e punimeve ne sheshin qendror te kryeqytetit, trafiku u makinave ishte devijuar përreth tij. Por me ndërrimin e pushtetit ne nivel lokal ne tirane, kryebashkiaku i djathte Lulzim Basha ka vendosur ta ndryshoje projektin e Rames, ndërsa ende nuk dihet se si do te veprohet me unazën e vogël te kryeqytetit, qe mendohej se do te zgjidhte çeshtjen e trafikut.
Square "Scanderbeg" will not only be more pedestrian, as anticipated in the plan was launched to implement the administration of former Mayor Edi Rama on the left, but will be reviewed by the movement of vehicles turning into it.
Max has started work on opening and paving of some roads within the site for pedestrians and vehicles. For several months, with construction starting in the capital's central square, the car traffic was diverted around it. But with the change in local government in Tirana, the Mayor of right Lulzim Basha has decided to change the Rama project, while still not known how to deal with a small ring of the city, was supposed to solve the traffic issue.