Spock et Captain Kirk n'aiment pas le punk ! (Star Trek IV)

Burger Buzz 2015-11-20

Views 66

Dans Star Trek IV : Retour Sur Terre, Spock et Kirk reviennent sur Terre en 1986 (année de production du film). Ils se retrouvent face à un punk dans un bus de San Francisco. Et visiblement, sa musique les insupporte !
La chanson entendue dans cette scène est "I Hate You" du groupe Edge of Etiquette.

Just where is our future, the things we've done and said!
Let's just push the button, we'd be better off dead!
'Cause I hate you!
And I berate you!
And I can't wait to get to you!

The sins of all our fathers, being dumped on us – the sons.
The only choice we're given is how many megatons?
And I eschew you!
And I say, screw you!
And I hope you're blue, too.

We're all bloody worthless,...

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