London pedestrian's face "ripped off" by falling sofa couch

TomoNews US 2015-11-06

Views 78

LONDON — A man is in critical, but stable condition following a freak accident that saw a sofa fall from a luxury penthouse apartment in central London, according to a report by the Independent.

The incident happened during Friday morning's rush hour in one of London's busiest districts.

An as yet unidentified man in his 20s was walking by the W London Hotel when a two-seat sofa suddenly struck him from above.

Reportedly coming from a privately-owned apartment attached to the W, the couch fell some 130 feet and hit the back of the man's head.

Bystanders described the disturbing accident in gruesome detail.

"He looked like his face had been ripped off," a witness told the Sun. "It was raining and where the drops were hitting his face it was making him scream in agony."

Paramedics soon arrived and the man was flown to a nearby hospital, where he was treated for serious head injuries.

The exact cause of the accident remains unknown, but a spokesman for Scotland Yard revealed that the large piece of furniture most likely "fell from scaffolding" attached to the building.


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