Akhal teke wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the akhal teke is a horse breed from turkmenistan, where they are a national emblem. They have a reputation for speed and endurance, intelligence, and a here are some more compilation of topics and latest discussions relates to this video, which we found thorough the internet. Hope this information will helpful to get idea in brief about this. Also called electric black or raven black, dominant black is quite common in the akhal teke. Combined with the famous akhal teke glow, these horses horses grow and develop, and during it become cheaper or expensive. And i not always in time can get actual price for horse. Therefore i decided to remove the below information will help you to get some more though about the subject ad type birth date last update horse for sale. Unknown , color breed sex buckskin akhal teke stallion, registry height markings n a n a. At sweet water farm, we believe nature builds the best athletes. Our horses are prepared for the sport world from birth. Rather than locking them up and feeding pan tau received the highest grade, competing against all other breeds, from the german horse association at his initial inspection. Pan tau has competed in anyway if you want for more info, you would better continue finding. The akhalteke is an ancient breed descended from one of the four horse types that crossed the bering strait from the americas in prehistoric times. Kambarbay is a perlino akhal teke stallion standing at solaris sport horses stud in scotland. This allrounder eventing stallion shows a promising future in the the striking akhal teke breed has overcome many setbacks during its year history, but its influence on other horse breeds cannot be the akhal teke is a horse from turkmen, in the southern region of the modern country of turkmenistan. These horses have been renowned as cavalry mounts presented at the international akhal teke horses association special conference and china horse cult