What is a slipped disc? It is a disc injury of the lower back or neck. This occurs when an injured disc protrude against the surrounding nerve tissues.
Several factors contribute to the protrusion of the disc:
Sudden, excessive strain;
Improper lifting; and
Sudden fall or vehicular accidents
The pain that slipped discs may bring can be so disturbing. Some of the symptoms include:
Tingling sensation or numbness of the lower extremities;
Pain that radiates on the surrounding areas;
Weakness of the muscles; and
Difficulty and pain in moving
Some cases of slipped discs can alleviate on their own along with enough rest.
Other cases may require medications and physiotherapy.
Medications can relieve the pain and inflammation on the affected area.
However, it is physiotherapy that improves the movement, strength and flexibility of the affected area.
If you are suffering from a slipped disc and require the aid of a physiotherapist, try our excellent services at Macquarie Street Physiotherapy.
We are a team of qualified and experienced physiotherapists.
At Macquarie Street Physiotherapy, we provide solutions for thetotal relief of your painsand complete restoration of your spine’s health.
Don’t just sit there and listen to your aching spine. Visit us today!