"Bollywood fanatic and founder of the Bollywood Art Project, Ranjit Dahiya, created a mural of Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s look from the upcoming film Manjhi – The Mountain Man! To honor his work, Nawazuddin along with director Ketan Mehta, invited fans to click selfies with them in Bandra, Mumbai! Fans were present in large numbers and also echoed the dialogue from the film, ‘Shaandar, Zabardast, Zindabad.’ Looks like fans are eager to watch their favorite hero.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui will now be seen in Manjhi -The Mountain Man, an Indian biopic based film on the life of Dashrath Manjhi, popularly known as the ‘Mountain Man’, who lived in Gehlaur village, near Gaya in Bihar.
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