German media demands the 'real' numbers for the refugee influx

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Quoting what they call an anonymous source within the German government one media outlet said on Monday Chancellor Angela Merkel had got her sums wrong.

If anyone knew exactly how many people had entered Germany this year, and the paper claims no-one’s sure, it was more likely to be 1.5 million, not the 800,000 figure being quoted.

As anti-immigrant marches grow in size and number, not all of Merkel’s ministers are toeing the line.

“We have to limit the inflow to Europe. This problem shows that we
cannot solve these kind of problems on a national level, that’s globalization,” said Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble.

Angela Merkel has made a point of having her photo taken with refugees and early on in the crisis made it clear they would be welcome in Germany, getting ahead of the rest of the EU on the question.

Now some Germans fear she may have got ahead of herself.

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