Ko 2 is an upcoming Indian Tamil political thriller written and directed by Sarath, who earlier worked as Associate Director for Kamal Hassan's Unnaipol Oruvan and Ajith Kumar's Billa II. Film is produced by Elred Kumar. The film features Bobby Simha and Nikki Galrani in the leading roles, while Prakash Raj reprises his role from the first film. A franchise to the successful 2011 film Ko, the film is likely to release in late 2015.
Directed by Sarath
Produced by Elred Kumar
Written by K Rajaraman
Bakkiyam Sankar
Screenplay by Sarath
Story by Ravi & Sarath
Starring Bobby Simha
Prakash Raj
Nikki Galrani
Bala Saravanan
Music by Leon James
Cinematography Philip R Sundar
Venkat M
Edited by kevin
R S Infotainment
Release dates
21 October 2015
Running time
134 minutes
Country India
Language Tamil
Budget 30 crores