Jaryn Leticia 2015-09-23

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the people shown in the above slideshow & below photos exemplify high degrees of self-centered behavior, selfishness, bullying, and/or unbelievable lack of self-awareness (which at a certain age is simply selfishness in disguise, or they are developmentally disabled) ...apart from the lifeguard the others shown here showed unbelievable disregard for others in blocking views, intruding personal spaces, setting up directly in front of others with chairs or sun sails...the lady in the chair in particular was incredibly disregardful of me..when I told her she was sitting directly in front of me she showed no sign of caring whatsoever..shame shame shame on you..: ladies when you do this to men ...most of us who are CHristians are able to absorb the pain & hurt, but many other men are not..and when you hear about acts of violence ...even though no violence is tolerable by men against women..sometimes these acts of disregard get to a "tipping point" for some men..not me..this is not a threat..when I get emasculated I feel bad for a while and find solace in church, God, & prayer , but not all men are able to do so. I'm just saying that your behavior sometimes causes bad outcomes even if you can get away with such behavior at the moment because you're a "lady" ( albeit women who take advantage of others by virtue of their gender are not ladies but creeps) .The two people standing stood for several minutes in conversation while competition ensued in the water with 100's of viewers and cameramen right behind them..showing no regard or awareness of what was happening around them. unbelievable! As for the lifeguard he actually committed a "fake rescue" when I didn't need rescuing I was swimming..apparently as a ruse to get me to swim further away from the competition area..(in which case he could have simply asked, but some of these law enforcement people have a hard time doing things the nice way..instead he swam out to me..I told him I was fine..I didn't need to be rescued..and then he decided to tell me I was a "weak swimmer" and tried to order me to swim in..but then realized that wasn't going to work..and pleaded with me to come in ...never mentioning the competition right next to us (the elephant in the room). .. I was completely aware of the competition and was not going to drift over that way..and by the way, i swim several hundred yards to a buoy and back on a regular basis at corona del mar..that's not the sign of a weak swimmer. Shame on the lifeguard for deciding to use pretense and insult to make his job easier..he probably is accountable for any "issues" with swimmers around the competition area and decided this was the best way to 'make sure" nothing happens "on his watch" ..shame shame shame.I took a swim north of the competition area today (9/16/14) & suddenly a lifeguard with his little red flotation device came swimming out to me acting as if I was in ...

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