The United Nations refugee agency has called for the emergency evacuation 17,000 refugees crammed on the Greek island of Lesbos.
#UnitedNations calls for an emergency evacuation of Lesbos migrants #UNHCR— United Nations News (@UNolizer) September 6, 2015
The refugees are sleeping rough around the port area as they wait for the Greek authorities to issue travel permits so they can board ferries to Athens and then travel on to northern Europe.
The water and sanitation situation on the island is desperate and frustrated refugees are involved in regular clashes with Greek riot police.
Refugee ‘beaten unconscious’ by riot police as Lesbos clashes continue— The Independent (@Independent) September 6, 2015
GREECE – A migrant reacts after being hit during scuffles with policemen at the Lesbos Port. By atzortzinis #AFP— AFP Photo Department (AFPphoto) Septemb