New broadcast published by Christopher Nobody of at Fri Sep 04 22:58:50 +0000 2015.
Christopher Nobody kicked ideas around with followers and first-time viewers in a new broadcast that went live on Periscope under the title "Watching LIVE With . Follow Me @BrieHxC. ".
If you enjoyed this broadcast, search the username "LouGeese" next time you open your Periscope app to follow Christopher Nobody so you wouldn't miss the next live stream, but don't stop there, there are more goodies for all those subscribing to receive A-level info and ideas on - the go-to website for Just another WordPress site.
Untill the next scope goes live, take advantage of the collective wisdom of this recent virtual gathering and use it to stay on top of your game.
You can also check out the comments others left for Christopher Nobody for this broadcast here: