Rom-com gets real with Meet the Patels

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Ravi Patel puts his love life centre stage in real-life romantic comedy Meet the Patels,

Filmed by his director sister Geeta, the documentary follows Ravi in his globetrotting quest for a mate, aided by his family from India. Ravi is quick to note that cinema goers shouldn’t expect the highest technical quality for the film.

“Well it started as a vacation video,” says Geeta. “Literally it was a home video and we we’re just on vacation.”

“Geeta just bought this new camera. She had just come off this other PBS film (Public Broadcasting Service ), which she directed, but didn’t operate the camera. And then, you know, she wanted to learn how to use the camera — which you’re going to figure out at some point — it definitely didn’t happen in time for this movie,” explains Ravi.

The film’s central conflict involves Ravi’s Indian-American upbringing. Heading into his 30s, his family questions his bachelor status, while Ravi himself questions whether arranged marriage isn’t worth a try

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