Fox News host Bill O’Reilly threatened the Black Lives Matter movement and media outlets he claimed supported it during an interview on Monday, arguing that the movement was a hate group. “I’m gonna tell you right now, I’m gonna put them out of business,” he told guest Mary Katharine Ham. “And any media person who supports them, I’m gonna put them on this program and put a picture of them on the air.” “But do political movements and political rhetoric cause murder?” Ham countered. “‘Cause if you go down that road, are you allowed to criticize the police in public? Are you allowed to criticize the state?” “You can criticize the police,” O’Reilly said. “If you call for their demise, that’s hatred.” O’Reilly based his accusation on the use of the chant, “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon” by members of Black Lives Matter Minneapolis during a demonstration outside the Minneapolis State Fair on Saturday.But both Ham and guest Juan Williams argued that the movement did not constitute a hate group, while also disagreeing with Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) allegation that the movement was the “manifestation of the rhetoric and vilification of law enforcement” that was coming from President Barack Obama.“Black Lives Matter is hurting themselves because they’re distracting from the real issue,” Williams said. “The real issue of whether or not there’s excessive use of police force in cases like Eric Garner here in New York, or Ferguson, or Baltimore.”Williams then mentioned a Rasmussen Reports poll stating that only 31 percent of black respondents said that the phrase “black lives matter” was closest to their own views. He did not mention that the New York Times criticized Rasmussen last year for relying on “dubious sampling and weighting techniques.”O’Reilly’s threat was reminiscent of a 2010 Glenn Beck segment in which he purported to identify advocacy groups and media outlets he claimed were doing the bidding of George Soros, a frequent Fox Target. Beck also posted pictures of some of his targets, as seen below:Bill O'Reilly SLAMS Black Lives Matter on the o'reilly factor and calls them a Hate Group. bill o'reilly rants for a while and eventually claims I'm Going To Put black lives matter OUT OF BUSINESS