Book - Chapter 20:- Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus - 4.

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Book - Chapter 20:- Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus - 4.
Chapter 20

Thus, the Samaritan who was not drunk with the "letters" of Scriptures went by his heart, the seat of mercy and that was the main reason why Jesus chose the ordinary working people as His close-circle Labourers and none of the "donkeys" carrying the holy books could be a suitable Labourer - Luke 7.36-50, the invitation of arrogant Pharisee Simon.

So, the present "super donkeys" of the letters carrying Holy Books have no place in the ministry of Jesus but rather they play a very important role in the ministry of Mammon to misguide the spiritually dead people through their university degrees in the letters.

Further, as regards the men of letters are concerned, the Rabbis, Pharisees, etc. especially at the times of Jesus were well advanced in the letters than the present university professors in theology and you are well aware how foolishly they used to react to Gospel which Jesus was preaching -Thomas Logo 28: Jesus said: "I took my stand in the midst of the world i.e. Middle East, and in flesh I appeared to them; I found them all drunk (with the old wine of the letters), I found none among them athirst. And my soul was afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts (spiritually) and do not see that empty they have come into the world and that empty they seek to go out of the world again. But now they are drunk. When they have shaken off their wine (left dependence on the letters of holy books), then will they repent that they have missed the Golden Chance to earn their Salvation. Christ appears only in the Dark Age and human birth is the best way to seek Salvation by Preaching Gospel".

Thus, those who try to Preach Gospel in spirit create uproar among the men of letters. In fact, the "letters" being the old wine, only the old skins (people grown old drinking it such as the orthodox or the conservative) can contain whilst the New Wine of Jesus that is to be brewed afresh every day through "holy spirit" needs new skins (people with liberal views and capable of "logical reasoning") to contain.

Thus, for Jesus and His Labourers, the learned Rabbis, Pharisees, etc. were just "donkeys" carrying the Holy Books but the present university theologians, who specialise in the letters of both the old and the New Testaments, are nothing else but the "Super Donkeys" carrying the "Most Holy Book", the New Testament. These super donkeys are so drunk with the old wine of the letters that if an ordinary person of spirit tells them the spiritual exposition of Gospel, they not only hate him but also brand him a "Super Heretic".

For example, the Samaritan woman at well, John 4 was a highly moral and spiritual person, who had overpowered the five spiritual husbands called the evil temptations of heart, which were: 1. Lust for sex (Kaam), 2. Anger (Karodh), 3. Greed (Lobh), 4. Worldly temptations (Moh) and the fifth and the last one Pride of her religious knowledge (Hankaar). The above names of these five spiritual husbands are well known to the Indian professors of theology but they too being well blinded by the old wine of the letters cannot perceive things beyond their own fields of study. These five are further stressed by Jesus in Thomas Logo 16: ....For there shall be five in a house (physical body): three (“Ego” related - lust for sex, anger and pride of the religious knowledge by the "letters") shall be against two (“Mind” related - greed and worldly temptations) and two against three, the father against the son and the son against the father, and they shall stand as solitary. It is only in the house dominated by Christ or the "holy ghost" that all the five are under control and the house is at "Peace" and the person is "solitary".

Finally, the present Dark Age is not of the "works" but of the "spirit" in which God Who is a "Spirit" is to be worshipped in Truth (SATT) and "holy spirit" that leads to "contentment", the chief Aim of Gospel. Spirit being common sense, only a few living people can understand Gospel in "spirit" whilst the "dead" in spirit take to the letters of the New Testament. All that is happening in the world is taking place according to the "Will of God", which only the "men" of holy spirit can understand. So, please wake up and ponder over the message of love that Jesus has proclaimed.

Please help me in writing my Book on "One God; One Faith". Replace 1 by 2, 3, 4, etc. for other chapters:-
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.

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