Pakistan Army Song- Pak Fauj Tu Zindabad (Update 2015)

Viral Videos 2015-08-14

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Tribute to Brave Soldiers of Pakistan Army.
(Unofficial Video)
Song: Pak Fauj Tu Zindabad.
PakArmyChannel Presentation.

Nations can dream of their socio-economic progress and development only when they are sure that their guardians are strong enough to ensure protection and peace. In case of Pakistan, a strong defence was all the more a stark reality to face the encounters and hostilities with unflinching courage. Our chivalrous soldiers of brave Armed Forces, apart from defending the countrys borders, always remained in the forefront of national development. Whether floods, earth-quakes and other natural calamites, maintain law and order or the UN peace efforts, the performance of our officers and men, always earned national and international acclaim from their friends and foes alike.Selfless bravery sacrifice and monumental endurance of adversity are the pillars of this splendid institution.

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