Setting Up Your Google+ : Adding a profile And Cover Photo

Tech Takyou 2015-07-15

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Create Google+ Account : How to add profile And Cover Photo
Today we will learn The recommended size how to :
(00:10) Adding a profile photo
- It's time to add a profile photo to our Google+ page. The Google+ profile photos are interesting because they're a little different than what
you'll find on other social networks. They're actually circular. It's a circle with a diameter of 120 pixels. It's 120 pixels wide by 120 pixels high. What
we want to make sure is that the minimum size image we should use would be a 120 by 120 image. If you have a graphic team that works for your organization,
hopefully, you can let them know that it's a 120 pixel diameter circle and they can come up with something really creative to use on your Google+ page.
Once you have your image ready that you'd like to use, go ahead and navigate over to Google+. You can navigate to the Google+ page section using the left-
hand side navigation. From here you'll notice that the 120 pixel diameter circle is up here at the top-left of our page. We can hover over it and click on
the camera icon to upload a photo. I actually have a photo ready to be uploaded so I'm just going to click Select a photo from my computer although I could
drag a photo right in here as well if I had it on my desktop.
I'm going to click Select a photo and I have this photo right here,Once it finishes uploading Google gives me the option to adjust the cropping of this
photo so I can make it a little bit bigger here so I'm getting the entire photo. Now, remember since it's a circular profile image I know that the corners
are going to be cut off a little bit but I think that's okay with the photo that I'm using. I'm going to click the blue Set as profile photo button at the bottom left.
Google+ gives us the opportunity to post to our followers about the new photo that we've added to our Google+ page. If you're just getting your brand setup,
it's a nice idea, maybe, to let everybody know about that, so you can post a little message and say "Hey everyone, we've just uploaded "our logo to our
Google+ page".
Now that we've done that, you'll notice here on our Google+ page, we now have a nice little profile photo up here in the top-left.

(02:20) Adding a cover photo

add a cover photo over here to the right side of our page. Now it's important to note that when doing that, the maximum size cover photo that you can
upload is 2120p x 1192p. The recommended size by Google is 1080p X 608p. And the minimum size that you can upload is 480p x 270p. So let's move back to
Google+ and I'll show you where you can upload the photo.
On the Google+ page, from the left side navigation, we see that our current cover photo is the default photo uploaded by Google. When we mouse over this
cover photo, we have an option in the bottom right corner to change the cover photo. And that's what we're going to do. So I click on the Change cover
button and now I can choose a photo from Google+'s gallery of default photos, but in order to increase our brand recognition here on Google+, so when people
come to our Google+ page, they know what company we are and what we represent. Let's go ahead and upload our own photo by clicking on the Upload tab.
And again you could drag a photo in here, just like you could with a profile photo or we can click Select a photo from your computer. Just like with the
profile photo as well, we have the option to increase the cropping for this photo and choose exactly which parts of the photo we'd like to show here on
Google+. With this photo, I'd like to show the whole thing. So I'm going to increase the cropping here, so that the whole photo is selected, and then I'm
going to click Select cover photo.

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