BALTIMORE — A grand jury has decided to charge six Baltimore cops with assault and homicide over the death of Freddie Gray. Gray's death, following police abuse during an unjustified arrest, sparked riots in Baltimore.
Although much was said at the time about the rioters destroying property, it's worth noting nobody was killed, unlike in Waco, Texas, last week. People in Baltimore just didn't believe the cops would be charged with Gray's death.
In numerous similar cases over the last year, the public prosecutor and a grand jury declined to charge officers who killed civilians. That's because grand juries will do whatever the prosecutor tells them, and the prosecutors usually sides with their colleagues, the police.
However, in Baltimore, it seems a year of protests are finally being heard.
But the issue isn't settled. On Tuesday, in acknowledgement of the dangers of their job, Obama signed the Blue Alert law to protect police. The move seems like an olive branch from the government to police nationwide, who complain of being abandoned by politicians.
The scourge of unrestrained police violence against minorities has also barely begun to be addressed, even with the indictment of the six officers in Baltimore. In Chicago, for instance, of 208 police shooting cases closed in the last 2 years, 100% were ruled to be justified, according to the Chicago reader.
The relationship between the people and the police will never heal until total transparency and accountability is a fact everywhere in America. Neither a badge nor the constitution gives you a license to abuse and victimize.
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