Mr X revolves around Daredevil officers Raghuram Rathod played by Emraan Hashmi and Siya Verma played by Amyra Dastur, who are members of the Anti Terrorist Department. They swear by the Constitution, and they are the 'humane' faces of the police department. There are some corrupt elements in the same department who are planning to overthrow the current Chief minister.
Betrayed by his own department Raghuram is now on the run trying to escape the clutches of the corrupt ATD chief Bhardwaj.
He lands up in a pharmaceutical lab where he drinks a concoction which turns him invisibl unless exposed to blue neon or sunlight.
Mr X is a badly written film. Emraan Hashmi appears bored, but Amyra Dastur looks improved in emotional scenes. Yet it is not enough to save the film. Mr X is a complete waste of time.
Review by: Rohit Vats
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