Greece has until the end of the week to come up with new proposals to secure a deal with creditors to keep the county from crashing out of of the euro.
With that stark warning an emergency full EU summit has been called for Sunday.
On Tuesday eurozone finance ministers complained that their new Greek colleague Eucild Tsakalotos, while more courteous than his abrasive predecessor Yanis Varoufakis, had brought no new proposals to a preparatory meeting before an emergency eurozone summit later that evening.
However on leaving the summit a surprisingly up-beat Greek premier told reporters:
“The Greek side will keep on trying, having in its arsenal the verdict of the Greek people, which was definite. The will of the Greek people is for a viable agreement which will end the discussion of a Grexit.,” stated Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
Tsipras who won an emphatic mandate in Sunday’s referendum to renegotiate with lenders said he’s prepared to accept painful reforms in return for s