Bülent Sezgin: Yes, we are continuing with our live broadcast.
Adnan Oktar: Well, welcome all, you've brought pleasure to us. You've brought us honor, you've brought radiance. Masha'Allah. Mr. Mendi Safadi has also honored us with his presence; he's brought radiance as well.
Oktar Babuna: Shall I introduce our guest?
Adnan Oktar: Yes, Masha'Allah.
Oktar Babuna: Mr. Safadi is our Druze guest from Israel. He is from the Likud Party. He is currently conducting the Israeli government's relations with Syrian dissidents. He is also the chief of staff and advisor of Mr. Ayoob Kara, the Deputy Minister of Regional Cooperation.
And also our Jewish guest from yesterday, Rabbi Yehuda Glick is, as you know, the Executive Director of The Initiative for Jewish Freedom on the Temple Mount. Rabbi Glick is also a member of the Likud Party.
Adnan Oktar: Masha'Allah. Masha'Allah. Both of them are very dear to us. Both of them are very beloved friends of o