Comment le sirop d'érable est-il fabriqué ? Pourquoi ne fabrique t-on pas du sirop avec tous les arbres ? Qu'est-ce qui rend l'érable si particulier ?
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[1] Damián CIrelli, Richard Jagels and Melvin T. Tyree “Toward an improved model of maple sap exudation: the location and role of osmotic barriers in sugar maple, butternut and white birch”, 2008, tree physiology 28, 1145–1155
[2] Maurizio Ceseri, John M. Stockie , “A mathematical model of sap exudation in maple trees governed by ice melting, gas dissolution and osmosis”, journal on applied mathematics, 73(2):649-676, 2013
[3] P. M. Cortes and T. R. Sinclair, “The role of osmotic potential in spring sap flow of mature sugar maple trees (acer sacchdrum marsh)”, journal of experimental botany, vol. 36, no. 162, pp. 12-24, january
[4] Robert W. Johnson, Melvin T. Tyree, and Michael A. Dixon, “A requirement for sucrose in xylem sap flow from dormant maple trees", plant physiol. (1987) 84, 495-500
[5] M. A. Zwieniecki & N. M. Holbrook, “Diurnal variation in xylem hydraulic conductivity in white ash (fraxinus americana l.), red maple (acer rubrum l.) and red spruce (picea rubens sarg.)”, plant, cell and environment (1998) 21, 1173–1180
[6] Melvin Tyree, “Maple Sap Exudation: How it Happens”, Maple Syrup Journal. 4(1) :10-11