'A Million Happy Nows' is an upcoming Feature Film starring Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia, produced by Perfect Features and Open Book Productions, due to be released later this year.
Veteran actress Lainey Allen (Chappell) is tired of being sidelined for younger talent on the soap she has starred in for twenty years. Coupled with finding it harder to retain her lines, she decides not to renew her contract, and she and her publicist and partner, Eva Morales (Leccia), move to their weekend house overlooking the ocean on the Central California coast. The move highlights some small changes in Lainey’s personality – mild depression that Eva puts down to leaving the show. But when Lainey starts to forget more than can be attributed to stress, Eva insists on a visit to the doctor.
The film chronicles Lainey and Eva’s changing relationship as they struggle to deal with the diagnosis of Lainey’s Early Onset Alzheimer’s, the prospect of an indomitable woman’s future of dependence and her single support system – the woman who was once in awe of her, became everything to her, and will now look after her.
Crystal Chappell and Jessica Leccia will reunite, for the first time in a feature, following their pairing as Olivia and Natalia in CBS’s Guiding Light and in Open Book Production's Venice the Series and The Grove.