Uzair Baloch's Confessions Are Keep In the Custody Of Pakistani Army, Najam Sethi Told Bad News For MQM And PPP.......... In Najam Sethi show it was discussed that, Army have the confessions of Uzair bloch against the Imran Farooq Murdered case and also about the Pakistan People Party...... Najam Sethi Also discussed About Prime MInister Of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif... he said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is Hang Between Pakistan Army And Pakistan People Party.... PM Nawaz Sharif Had Good Relation with pakistan Army Chife Genrel Raheel Sharif... The President Of Pakistan People Party Asif Ali Zardari Said Bad things about Army CHief And Challenged him to stop his opration of karachi terrorist if he will not stop his opration than we will take action against pakistan army.... that is very bad takling from Asif Ali Zardari which insisit to thought Nawaz Sharif either he meet with asif ali zardari or not..............