Game Ark survival evolved low fps fix

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Game Ark survival evolved low fps fix?
Patch - - load

Sorry for the disposable wipe, we accidentally wipe out your backup saves, updating the game, because this happened to wipe .We added two layers of redundancy that this will not be sluchilos.Chto was clear, we are no longer wipes are planning for early access at all times !
Secondly, if you update the client to version 1.60, you can see better functionality Servers (if you want, you can replace the "sessions") (Official and unofficial server can be searched separately to improve the result), and the slider to the right music influences the music menu.

Tomorrow stay tuned for the first mod-mod maps and tools ... "Rapture Raptor" ... we want to see the survivors with him, not so right? low fps fix

In conclusion, with regard to performance, it is a priority for the next dni.Kazhdy day you can see the performance increase in the daily obnovleniyah.Zhdite productivity gains tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday and pozzhe.U We have many unrealistic talented engineers in steep WildCard (in general, translates as "mask"), and they are not going to stop until they reach the best performance on your kompyutere.Budte ready, because it will be fun!

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