White Bird In A Blizzard - Reviewed in 60 Seconds

Film Flam 2014-10-29

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White Bird In A Blizzard: A housewife and mother mysteriously disappears, leaving her teenage daughter to navigate her sexually charged adolescence burdened by the mystery. Shailene Woodley stars in this horrible movie. Just horrible. In it's defense, I'm under the impression that the novel of the same name on which the film is based - is probably a really good book. There were some interesting concepts and characters present there. But what I saw on screen was ordinary cinematographry, shudder-worthy acting, and inconsistent storytelling approaches. So we're giving it one and a half Shailene Woodley boobs out of five. Why Shaiilene Woodley boobs? I'm sure you're now dying to see the movie to find out. White Bird in a Blizzard is now available on iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, and showing in select theaters.

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