Published on Jun 1, 2015
Fingerprints For Food Pilot Program Launches In Mass
The latest legislative effort in Massachusetts to try and combat welfare fraud is fingerprinting.
Some lawmakers estimate it could save millions.
Western Mass News spoke with Bay State residents that agree that those who cheat the state assistance programs are ruining it for the ones who really need the help.
“A lot of people need it and some people take advantage. I think fingerprinting and drug testing too, anything they can do to get those people out who abuse the system,” Evelyn Valley told WGGB.
Mass. House Minority Leader Brad Jones is offering a possible solution by using fingerprinting.
House lawmakers voted to study the use of fingerprints and other bio metric identifiers as part of a pilot project during a budget debate this May.
Democratic State Representative Jose Tosado, tells Western Mass News the move would punish those who really need help.
Regardless of the argument, They are storing peoples info in a database.
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