Men of letters as the University Professors are, they are Super Donkeys carrying Holy Books. They lead people into sect

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Men of letters as the University Professors are, they are Super Donkeys carrying Holy Books. They lead people into sectarian riots.

Today I went to Oxford University to listen to a Seminar entitled "All the people hung upon his word": Was Jesus a Good Teacher? by Dr. Mark Chater, Director of Culham St.Gabriel's.

Teaching is the letters of the moral laws to the once-born natural boys taken as Disciples by the Rabbis to discipline them in the moral laws. In Jesus, we need to be twice-born of holy spirit before we can know the Gospel of our Supernatural Father God by His grace. Gospel is called Logos because it is derived through logical reasoning. If you are living in spirit, then you can think logically and understand Gospel. Gospel is also called the Oral Torah because it cannot be written down in ink on paper but received by the grace of our Father on individual basis. This is also called entering into the Vineyard of our Father that has Narrow Gate for the solitary.

Letters are concerned with natural things that we can see and they obey the natural laws of tit-for-tat. Gospel is of our Supernatural Father, which is Spirit that cannot be studied through natural laws but through common sense called holy spirit.

Thus, Gospel is by grace to those who are pre-destined open-minded people capable of logical reasoning or of discerning intellect.

In the Big Questions debate on God, one retired Vicar who was the main speaker was angry when the Presenter addressed him as Vicar and he told him not to call him a vicar. Or he used to work for Mammon as a Policeman with a uniform does and he never worked for God in his life time otherwise he would have been rewarded with Gospel Treasures. You cannot work for God and Mammon at the same time.

Letters are dead without the knowledge of the Oral Torah and no wonder this Dr. Mark Chater has no idea of Gospel and for the men of letters, books are all they need. Such spiritually blind people who put on Dog-collars and become the blind guides of the blind have been proclaimed by the Second coming of Jesus in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji as “Super Donkeys carrying holy Books” NANAK TAE NAR ASSALL KHAR; JAE BINN GUNN GHARBH KARANT.

So, super donkey university Professors of dead letters are producing graduates with Dog-Collars the blind guides of the blind and they suffer sectarian riots as in N.Ireland, Iraq, Syria, etc. is happening today. They are agents of Hell.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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