Georges Méliès 006 Entre Calais Et Douvres 1897 Silent sub ENG+FR DVDRip XviD scaramosca tvu org ru

Filmow 2015-05-05

Views 7 About a half dozen passengers, a clergyman, a captain and boson are aboard a sea tossed vessel. As it lurches several of the passengers are sea-sick and throwing up into bowls held by other passengers. Meanwhile a male passenger downs a drink. When the seas get even rougher the most of the passengers head below. The clergyman, however, is knocked off his feet and falls through a hatchway. As he tries to get back on deck the tossing becomes even more turbulent causing most to lose their footing. All go below except for the captain who has stayed at his post throughout this whole event. Entre Calais et Douvres Entre Calais e Dover

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