Exclusive 2015 Elephent Chase Bike Riders

phothohar111 2015-05-05

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Incredible footage of man taking giant anaconda by the tail
The moment a GIGANTIC ANACONDA gets pulled out of the water and tormented by a group of brazen Brazilian fishermen A group of fishermen filmed as they pulled the huge serpent from the Santa Maria river, in Brazil's southwest Environmental police have fined the trio $600 and they face a jail sentence of up to 18 months The yellow anaconda, known in Brazil as 'sucuri,' is believed to be at least 17 feet long

Some people just want to get eaten.

A huge Brazilian anaconda was captured in jaw-dropping video while a trio of fishermen pulled it out of the river water — nearly getting the animal stressed to the point of rearing its enormous head and swallowing them all.

The group — Sirlei Oliveira, husband Betinho Borges and friend Rodrigo Santos — were boating down the Santa Maria river, in the southwestern state of Mato Grosso do Sul, when they came across the huge snake, reported O Correio News reported.

The serpent, estimated to be at least 17 feet, is seen moving away from the tiny boat, its belly appearing full of what must have been a massive lunch not long earlier.

Then Borges begins to prod the anaconda with a wooden oar as the snake attempts to get away from him.

Leave it! Oh my god!' yells a hysterical Oliveira in Portuguese as her husband continues to torment the yellow anaconda.

The snake gets away momentarily, swimming away from the group for a few seconds before the boat turns around and continues to chase it.

'Grab it, dude, grab it!' instigate Borges as his buddy Santos tries to catch the snake by its tail.

Then Borges gets over to the boat control — and brazenly begins to take off as Santos holds on to the snake, pulling the huge animal as it thrashes around trying to get away.

Santos eventually lets go of the snake and it swims away to freedom.

Environmental police in Mato Grosso do Sul have fined each torturer the equivalent of $600.

They have also been charged with a crime and face up to a year and a half in jail if they're convicted under an environmental law that proscribes the chasing or hunting of wildlife without a license, according to O Correio.

The couple's lawyer, Amilton Ferreira de Almeida, claimed there was 'no crime committed.'

'The video shows they didn't intend on committing a crime,' the lawyer told O Correio about couple's footage, which was posted to Facebook on Tuesday. 'For it to be a crime, they must have been intent.

'They wanted to show how nature is, how the animal behaves — but they had no malice,' the lawyer adds. 'There was guilt, yes, negligence and recklessness, but not intent.'

But for Major Edmilson Queiroz, of the state's environmental police, being ignorant of the law isn't an excuse.

'The animal's place is to be quiet in nature, and a man's place is t

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