Here are 10 animals with incredibly short life spans.
Humans often lament that life is too short, but compared to some of the creatures on Earth, ours is practically an eternity.
Here are 10 animals with incredibly short spans of existence.
Number 10. Houseflies. Those that actually have the benefit of living in a house survive the longest. The ones left to fend for themselves in the wild tend to not fare as well, and are more vulnerable to expiring earlier. Overall their expectancy range is between 15 and 30 days.
Number 9. Mayflies. They get to take it easy beneath the water for one long, carefree year, but when adulthood comes all of that changes. At that point they have as little as an hour left, and it’s entirely devoted to the successful spawning of the next generation.
Number 8. Worker Bees. Spring is a busy time for them, and all that flying around really takes its toll. Those out and about during that season only live fo