BSG The Resistance Webisodes (complete) 2006

paulmuaddib84 2015-04-20

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Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance is the collective title of 10 two- to five-minute "webisodes" (also known as a web series) released exclusively on the world wide web through the Sci Fi Channel's website. The serial storyline follows events that occur between the close of season 2 and the beginning of season 3 of the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica TV series.

Bradley Thompson, who co-wrote the webisodes, explained in a post on that the webisodes were not created as 10 individual standalone-stories, but were written as one truncated episode (~26 minutes long as opposed to the normal 40 minute run-time), filmed, and then cut into 10 segments. As such, the entire "webisode series" is one "story" and individual webisodes are not necessarily viewable on their own or out of sequence.

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