The makers of Ram Kapoor and Sunny Leone starrer Kuch Kuch Locha Hai have released the trailer and, boy the couple is just too much.
The trailer introduces Ram as a 45-year-old married man, Pravin Patel. Sunny plays Shanaya, a Bollywood star in the film. There comes a twist in the tale when Pravin gets to meet Shanaya, his favourite star who he has always fantasized about.
But Shanaya asks of him to do him a huge favour. What happens when there is unlikely encounter of the two? Watch the trailer and you’d know!
There comes a twist in the tale when Pravin gets to meet Shanaya, his favourite star who he has always fantasized about. But Shanaya asks of him to do him a huge favour. What happens when there is unlikely encounter of the two?
Check out the trailer and let us know your thoughts!