This is a collection of 11 acts as 15 segments of various evil doings in the game. They start out minor, but get more hideous over time. Due to working on powering up equipment, map 2-1 is often used since it's the fastest way to get equipment to burst. Here's what each of the 11 acts are, including a 1-10 rank for how hideous it is (10 is the worst). Due to the annoying 3000 character limit, the description is cut short.
Act 1: The basic trap. Toss a trap at the entrance of a deadend room. Rank: 1.
Act 2: Shopkeeper trouble. Place a trap at the entrance to a shop, move at least 1 panel, pick up a sale item, toss it in the open, and click! Shopkeepers are immune to everything but HP damage. Rank: 3.
Act 3: Shopkeeper destruction. Put a sale item in your pouch and attack all shop characters. Toss the sale item back when you're done. Rank: 5.
Act 4: The trapped zombie and the button. Defeat a zombie in a deadend room. Toss a tall grave or 2 short ones 2 panels into the hallway and a button at the entrance. Go off the side so you don't get spotted, fast forward turns and have fun! Click, click, clickity click! Rank: 6.
Act 5: The roundabout. Tossing traps in the typical path of enemies of a non-deadend room, not at the entrance to the hallway, will result in only enemies pressing the button, unless blocked. Rank: 2.
Act 6: Enemy hopscotch. When a bunch of enemies are lined up in a row with another one off the side or behind that's adjacent, toss the one on the side or behind to the long line to have some hopscotch going. This is best useful with cloud type enemies (with a healer enemy) as it means tons of level ups. Bonus! The ultimate hopscotch - 16 total hops. Rank: 5 (bonus 6).
Act 7: The stupidity button. Due to bugs in the AI, there are times in which the ally or enemies repeatedly go back and forth between the same 2 rooms. Toss a trap at either entrance and.... Rank: 6.
Act 8: Zombie torture. Set the ally to stay in one spot, group multiple zombies next to the ally, go into another room, and fast forward. You're putting the ally through boring, hard work. Bonus! 5 zombies are involved instead of 3. Warning: don't have any "move the user" skills available with range or it causes more harm than good. Rank: 3 (bonus 4).
Act 9: Excessive trapping. Buttons, buttons, and more buttons! Toss a button at the room entrance and 2 into the hallway, stand just off the side, and have at it. All 3 buttons can be pressed instead of 1 (or 2). Bonus! I do this with 4 buttons! Rank: 7 (bonus 9).
Act 10: Attacking with stolen objects. Toss sale items at a shop character. Defeat them for lots of easy level ups. Now that's getting hideous! You won't be able to use an exit until the next floor. Rank: 8.
Act 11: Forced to die by trap. This is the same as act 4 but much worse. And having Renya assist as a barricade? Now that's really being evil! Bonus: what a weapon! Rank: 10 (bonus 0