Soon after realizing the mistakes with Aria, Tata Motors geared up for another crossover, called Hexa. Reportedly, the vehicle gets unveiled at Geneva Motor Show and bears quite distinct gimmicks than the Aria. Yet the Hexa is now in conceptual stage, but looking down to its promises the vehicle looks feasible to enter the European terrain very soon. A wider front somewhere resembling the Safari Storme, and extensive use of chrome makes it actually to pose better on the platform of Geneva Motor Show. The specially designed interior enough to house six passengers on captain seats will compel the buyers. Apparently, steering borrowed from the Zest, and some more minute details also lifted from other Tata cars, but in a very fashionable manner. Though, no one knows when the market will see Hexa coming through the production bay. Till the further statement from Tata Motors arrives, stay tuned to us for more details.