Just One Word Tag - Nur ein Wort Tag | Learn German - Get Germanized Edition

GetGermanized 2015-02-19

Views 8

Personal questions answered by using just one word every time! Since this is the "Learn German - Get Germanized" edition, the questions will be in English while the answers are in German! Test your German skills and see how many words you understand or find the translation in the description ;) Make your own video and post the link to it in the comments section down below!

Where is your cell phone? (das Bett - bed)
Your partner? (das Büro - the office)
Your hair? (gestylt - styled)
Your mother? (die Arbeit - the work)
Your father? (unten - downstairs)
Your favorite material object? (die Kamera - the camera)
Your dream from last night? (komisch - weird)
Your favorite drink? (Pepsi-Max)
Your dream car? (fliegend - flying)
The room in which you are right now? (das Schlafzimmer - the bedroom)
Your ex? (komisch - weird)
Your fear? (die Hornissen - the hornets)
What do you want to be in 10 years? (älter - older)
With who did you spend last night? (Blue)
What are you not? (langweilig - boring)
What did you do last night? (fernsehen - watching tv) oh the irony
What's the last thing you did before this? (duschen - taking a shower)
What are you wearing? (das T-Shirt - the T-shirt)
Your favorite book? (exzellent - excellent)
The last thing you ate? (der Eintopf - the stew)
Your life? (unvorhersehbar - unpredictable)
Your mood? (gut - good)
Your friends? (faul - lazy)
What are you thinking about right now? (das Wochenende - the weekend)
What are you doing now? (das Video - the video)
Your summer? (vorbei - over)
What's on your TV? (nichts - nothing)
The last time you laughed? (heute - today)
The last time you cried? (die Monate - the months)
School? (vorbei - over)
What are you listening to? (nichts - nothing)
Your favorite weekend activity? (die Freunde - the friends)
Dream job? (YouTube)
Your computer? (langsam - slow)
Just outside your window? (der Herbst - the Autumn)
Beer? (köstlich - delicious)
Mexican food? (deliziös - delicious)
Winter? (kommt - is coming)
Religion? (irrelevant - irrelevant)
Vacation? (hoffentlich - hopefully)
On your bed? (das Skript - the script)
Love? (schön - nice)

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Learn German, get to know Germany and German culture and have fun doing so! My videos are directed at native English speakers that want to learn about my country, its language and culture online for free! Put your dictionary and grammar books away and start studying with me instead!
My channel covers everything from beginners to expert lessons and even though I'm not a professional teacher you'll find that Get Germanized takes on a fresh approach and that looking at things from a different perspective can be key to making progress fast!
I'm a native speaker and started this channel to improve my English language skills but by now our community has grown into something that will help you reach your goals in no time and entertain you while doing so!

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Dominik Hannekum
48827313, Packstation 109, Weher Straße 38-42, 32369 Rahden, Germany

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