The Digital Promise: Bringing Broadband to Public Schools
California STEM Learning Network - The Conference Center at UC Davis
Advancing STEM teaching and learning requires the development and implementation of policies that knock down barriers to learning, support teachers, and provide all students with access to high-quality STEM curriculum, facilities and technology. Join the Exploratorium's Executive Director Dennis Bartels in a discussion with local and state policymakers and national experts about how key state and federal education policy issues such as the Common Core, the new science standards and the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act will impact STEM education locally and throughout the state.
Moderator: Dennis Bartels, Executive Director, Exploratorium
Lupita Cortez Alcala, Branch Deputy, California Department of Education
Susan Hackwood, Executive Director, California Council on Science and Technology
Linda Roberts, Independent Technology Consultant
Steve Schneider, Senior Director, WestEd
Sue Stickel, Assistant Superintendent, Sacramento Co. Office of Education