Iqbal Quadir Draws Lessons from GrameenPhone

FORA TV 2015-01-03

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Iqbal Quadir Draws Lessons from GrameenPhone
The Long Now Foundation - The Long Now Foundation
Quadir presented a broad outline of development in order to give context for his belief that technology can alleviate poverty.He reminded us that 500 years ago, when the western countries were still "developing" their own societies, their political systems were no better, and often worse, than the instable corrupt regimes of many developing countries today.England had a series of kings who were impeached, arrested, ousted, or beheaded for their crimes. It was only after citizens were empowered by economic markets did the balance of power shift from the central king to decentralized citizens.All steps that devolve power away from a central authority - including laws, trade, and education - will raise democracy.In Quadir's view, it's not that centralization per se creates poverty. Poverty is the natural beginning state of all societies, east or west. Rather, decentralization is the engine which removes poverty and brings wealth.To the degree that infrastructure, education, and trade can be decentralized, wealth will rise in proportion. To the degree that infrastructure, education and trade are centralized, poverty will remain - The Long Now Foundation

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