Times Square crowds brave the cold to wait for midnight celebration

Reuters 2014-12-31

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New Years revelers showing they're determined to get the best seats for the midnight celebration.

It's freezing cold and many hours to go until the ball drops, but some will not be denied.


"I'm hoping so. I'm really cold already and I have four jackets on and four pairs of pants and I have four blankets and leg-warmers. So, I'm hoping that I don't freeze or I get too hungry, but I think I'm good!"

More than 1 million partiers are expected tonight, spread out over more than 20 city blocks.

The NYPD screening process has already started -- but some are already getting into the party mood despite the cold.

Not everyone thinks they'll make it all the way.


"Oh, that depends on my father because I think we're not going to make it because he's not interested in waiting all day long here. But, me and my sister maybe. Yeah."

But those that do stay hope

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