Jokes About Race: Larry Omaha Tells Funny Race Jokes! - Stand Up Comedy

StandUpBits 2014-12-15

Views 35

Larry Omaha jokes about race. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

Wow, this one is great. Larry Omaha tells a race joke, but he then follows it up by another race joke, however, the race jokes are not what you expect, as he changes the race of each one of his race jokes. Sure, in the bit he talks about a joke race, or maybe more than one joke race...joke race is just a made up race, but it's all in the beauty of his comedy. He tells jokes race people like, all races, I am sure he the audience was diverse, and they are race people, so in conclusion, he definitely tells jokes race people laugh at. Larry Omaha is smart, as it is hard to get away with jokes about race, because people are sensitive about their race, so he does something intelligent regarding his jokes about race...he talks about every race. Which makes them funny race jokes are the fact that they are a lot about him, I think when a comic is able to tell a joke about himself or herself it automatically becomes funny...well, some of the times. This is one of the occasions as his jokes come off as funny race jokes, and not cruel race jokes. For more hilarious stand up comedy, and to increase your daily funny, please subscribe to StandUpBits!

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