This is a week late but it is the annual thanksgiving special event!
Here is the lineup for this card!
[may not be in actual order?]
barbedwired 3 way
rage vs arsonist vs ritchie the cowguy!
randy williams vs cecilio aurora for the international championship
thanksgiving feast battle royal tg chicken vs tg turkey vs tg ham vs tg duck winner of the match takeson the tg vagan casarole!
santa vs santa match! Santa Storm Vs Santa Wyatt!
winner battles the thanksgiving feast at christmas rumble!
womens tag match the white sisters sabrina & chistian vs celeste & mystiq!
rock, pop& country mixed gender tag match kid rock & carry underwood
vs axl rose & britney spears
Main event: 4 way battle royal DAHorsey Vs jobba vs hollywood stank vs darck coven master w/ special guest ref jc bozawood!