CNN’s Don Lemon has drawn quite a bit of attention on Twitter for the way he handled a recent interview with the woman accusing Bill Cosby of rape.
CNN’s Don Lemon has drawn quite a bit of attention on Twitter for the way he handled a recent interview with Joan Tarshis, a woman accusing Bill Cosby of rape.
She alleges that in 1969, when she was 19 years old and an aspiring actress, Cosby lured her into his home and forced her to perform oral sex.
In response to the allegations, Lemon inquired if she was aware that there are ways to get out of doing so, like using one’s teeth.
She replied that she wasn’t completely in possession of her wits at the time and it hadn’t occurred to her, but she wished she’d thought of it.
Tarshis didn’t appear to be shocked or offended by the question, but several viewers were and expressed their feelings on Twitter.
At the crux of the commentary was how offensive and ridiculous it is in general to imply that a victim, alleged or otherwise, is in any way to blame.
Twitter users’ hashtag of choice for addressing the matter was ‘Don Lemmon Reporting.’
One of the many posters commented, “If Amelia Earhart didn't want to die, she shouldn't have flown that plane over water. #DonLemonReporting”