Strange are the ways human beings prefer
Adopt double standard and willingly offer
All sorts of arguments to suit guilty mind
Yet claim morality and show to be kind
She is waiting daily for sunrise
Much awaited in store for surprise
She has her own ambition with love triangle
But no regret for lost love and having troubles
"Jealousy" is eating you away
She found nice way to cover and throw me away
As dear friend this was what I could offer
Even though much to her disliking and to differ
I begged to take leave from her and part
I thought it was company with bad start
Here was a well known personality I had opted for
But soon it was on brink and turning sour
I was zealous to defend her from misconception
She was dragged in for dreamy situation
I felt it unnecessary and preferred isolation
It was coming to an end of a beautiful relation
She was blinded by fancy ideas and odd conception
Someone had reminded her of lost relation
Now he had apologized and regretted the decision
This was the sentimental error she was flowing in with confusion
I can do no more but watch from across the fence
She has remained all the time in pain and tense
Even though I believed it was not correct and senseless
She had all the satisfaction to narrate on the face
I shall go by her wish
As no one knows how it may turn to finish
But surely it may not be pleasant
As in past we have witnessed many such instants
hasmukh amathalal