Look man I'm tired of racist
'Americans' talking about getting
off their land and telling mexicans
and asians and blacks
to go home like they own the place
and man i dont want you to think
i'm racist
I like everyone
my friend Chuck is Choctaw and Yakama and Irish
and he grass dances with fierce warrior spirit
and he told me Carlos is Taino and a warrior poet
and teacher too
and Grunter is like 1/32 cherokee but, mostly
German and proud of it for sure
? And I love most of the poets on here and
don't know what color they are
Hell Crazy Horse himself had light curly hair
and light skin and he's Oglala too
And man I got all sorts of friends on the street
black white red brown tan all the colors
of our beautiful world's rainbow
but 'Americans'
I don't even have a house or car and I still
I love this place fought for you
in desert storm back in the day
but remember they stole this country with their
'private property rights' and I don't got your
back until you realize we need to get along
and like Tecumseh said
you cant own the land or the air
come at me bro
I ain't nothing but a human being
as are we all
Smack Thompson